One-Time Ex-Gratia Payment

As a gesture of support, due to the prolonged power outages between July 17th and 27th, 2023, caused by the unprecedented heatwave, the Government of Malta, will be offering a one-time ex-gratia payment of up to Euro 10,000 to affected non-residential customers.

Owners of accounts that may have suffered power outages of at least six (6) hours may provide details of the number of hours during which they suffered an outage as part of this application. This will be verified by Enemalta and if confirmed the ex-gratia payment will be processed as a credit in your electricity bill by ARMS.

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The ex-gratia payment due to the prolonged power outages between July 17th and 27th, 2023, caused by the unprecedented heatwave shall be based on the average monthly electricity consumption from June, July, and August 2022 as a basis of the account suffering the outage. The payment will reflect the total cumulative duration of outages experienced during the heatwave period. The maximum ex-gratia payment per non-residential ARMS account is capped at Euro 10,000.

Total power interruption duration (July 17th-27th, 2023)One-time payment (percentage of your average monthly consumption of June-July-August 2022)
from 6 up to 8 hours100%
more than 8 and up to 12 hours120%
more than 12 and up to 24 hours140%
more than 24 and up to 36 hours160%
more than 36 and up to 48 hours180%
more than 48 hours 200%

Example: For an account suffering a cumulative outage of 11hrs and having a monthly average electricity bill for the months of June-July-August 2022 of Euro200, the compensation would be of Euro200 x 120%.


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